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5 Physical Blocks To Successful Weight Loss

In my earlier article, "5 Mental Blocks To Successful Weight Loss", I explored some of the common mental challenges faced by my coaching clients.

This month, let's examine the physical obstacles that may be preventing you from losing weight, or at least possibly slowing your progress.

explore the blocks to weight loss - woman punching with pink glove

1. Metabolism: It's uncommon for someone's metabolism to be so slow that it stops weight loss entirely. However, metabolism can affect the speed of weight loss. Building muscle mass and maintaining a regular diet are crucial to addressing this, especially as we start to see a decline in our muscle mass after the age of 30 if we don't maintain it!

Muscle mass decreases approximately 3–8% per decade after the age of 30 and this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60. - Volpi et. al., 2004

By keeping your body nourished, your muscles strong and increasing your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), you can achieve healthy weight loss.

banish the blocks to weight loss - get good sleep - ginger and white cat sleeping on a bed

2. Poor Sleep: Sleep affects your hormones, which in turn affect your weight. People who sleep less tend to weigh more. Hunger hormones like Ghrelin (which increases appetite) rise, while Leptin (which signals fullness) decreases. Additionally, the brain interprets a drop in Leptin as starvation, leading to fat storage. Coupled with the tendency to snack when tired, insufficient sleep could be why you're struggling with weight loss. I love the book "The Circadian Code" by Dr Satchin Panda. It may well be worth adding it to your reading list if you feel this is something you'd benefit understanding more about.

banish the blocks to weight loss - inactive lifestyle - woman sat with laptop

3. Inactive Lifestyle: With changes in jobs, many of us are tethered to our desks. Screens dominate our attention, resulting in prolonged sitting, often snacking, and eventual weight gain. To lose weight, you need to get active! Marathon running isn't necessary, but being actively involved in your weight loss journey is essential for better health.

banish the blocks to weight loss - ultra processed food - NOVA 4 classification - pizza, donuts, snacks

4. Ultra Processed Foods: Not all calories are equal, as the body processes them differently based on their source. Artificial additives, refined ingredients, and preservatives confuse the body, turning it into a storage site for unhealthy "food." To lose weight, eliminate ultra processed foods from your diet. The 'NOVA' classification system can be quite helpful to identify those foods which fall in to the "Ultra-processed" category i.e. NOVA 4 Classification. Another book that's great, particularly at exploring this topic in more depth is "Ultra-processed People" by Dr Chris Van Tulleken. I found this one a real eye-opener!

banish the blocks to weight loss - illness, medication, poly-pharmacy

5. Illness and Medications: If you're eating well and exercising but not losing weight, consider potential medical causes. Always consult your doctor before starting a weight loss programme. Conditions like hypothyroidism and anemia, along with medications such as hormones, contraceptives, and some antidepressants, can affect weight. Your doctor can help find the right medications and plan for you. You're not doomed; work with professionals to help manage your health and weight.

banish the blocks to weight loss - start here, start now.

These are just five possible physical barriers to weight loss, but there are countless factors that may hinder us from becoming the healthy, happy individuals we deserve to be.

If you're struggling with weight loss, start by identifying what's likely getting in the way of your progress. Life is a journey of self-discovery. Success requires exploring our inner depths and being honest with ourselves. Then we can make progress!

You have the power to overcome any obstacle on your path to good health; you just need to recognise them.

banish the blocks to weight loss - empower, success

Please note: This article is intended to be for educational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice or replace professional assessment or personalised advice.

I do not hold responsibility for the information on any links to external websites within this article and information within these links/websites may change at any time or no longer be accessible. Any website pages/links added are also for education purposes only.


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